
Teaching about September 11th

Do you stuggle with what and how to teach your children about one of the greatest attacks on the United States?  If so - this curriculum might be helpful to you.  It is meant for a wide age range - allowing you to modify based on the age and ability of your child.  This style of teaching also makes it easy to teach multiple age groups.  


This curriculum uses the very popolar chapter book "I Survived the Attacks on September 11th, 2001".  Additionally - for a limited time - you can find this and other amazing curriculum deeply discounted at the Homeschool Resources Sale.  This is a sale that is done once a year to help homeschooling families.  


Check it out - your budget will thank you!  Sale begins 7/27/2023 


Ignite Your Child's Curiosity with Unit Studies


 I discovered unit studies relatively early on in our homeschooling journey.  What I quickly realized was that my children not only paid more attention - but they were engaged and recalling and discussing things outside of our schooling hours - amongst their siblings!

Allow me to provide for you a scenario.  Let's say you want to do a study on early American Indians and you would like it to include multiple age groups for the children in your home.  This could include a chapter book series, making Indian jewlery, create a cave style paiting, go fishing, make tools used by Indians, make a meal that they would have eaten, attend a real pow wow and so much more!  This is exactly what I did.  We used a book series, tyically meant for girls, but my boys loved it too! You can see a picture of my boys fishing when we did this study.  What did this do - created opportunity for my kids to work together, learn together and play together.  It created opportunities for protected and purposeful family time.  Most importantly it created memories!

As a result, I created two different series of unit studies that go along with popular chapter books.  You can learn more about those units at the end of this post.

I want to share with you why this is a fantastic approach to homeschooling and how it can truly ignite your child's curiosity and make learning an exciting adventure. Themed learning, or unit studies, offers a unique and holistic way to combine multiple subjects into cohesive and immersive learning experiences. 


Why Themed Learning?


1. Foster Deeper Engagement:

- By exploring a theme or topic across multiple subjects, students develop a deeper understanding and connection to the material.

- The interdisciplinary nature of themed learning encourages critical thinking, problem-solving, and a holistic view of knowledge.


2. Ignite Curiosity and Passion:

- Themed learning taps into your child's natural curiosity, sparking enthusiasm and a genuine love for learning.

- Students become active participants in their education as they explore topics that genuinely interest them, resulting in increased motivation and engagement.


3. Make Connections:

- Themed learning allows students to make meaningful connections between different subjects, helping them see the real-world applications of their knowledge.

- By connecting concepts and ideas, students develop a more comprehensive understanding of the world around them.


4. Enhance Creativity and Self-Expression:

- Themed learning provides opportunities for creative expression, allowing students to showcase their learning through projects, presentations, and hands-on activities.

- Students can explore their interests and talents, fostering a sense of ownership and pride in their work.


5. Promote Collaboration and Communication:

- Themed learning encourages collaboration among students, promoting teamwork, communication, and social skills.

- Group projects and discussions create opportunities for students to learn from one another, strengthening their interpersonal skills.


How to Implement Themed Learning:


1. Choose a Theme:

- Select a broad theme or topic that aligns with your child's interests, passions, or current events.

- Examples of themes could be "Space Exploration," "Ancient Civilizations," or "Environmental Conservation."


2. Identify Key Subjects:

- Determine which subjects can be integrated into the chosen theme. This may include science, history, literature, art, math, and more.

- Look for connections and overlap between subjects to create a cohesive learning experience.


3. Design Engaging Activities:

- Create activities and projects that incorporate various subjects. For example:

   - Reading and discussing books related to the theme.

   - Conducting science experiments or field trips that align with the theme.

   - Creating artwork or writing stories inspired by the theme.

   - Incorporating math concepts through theme-based calculations or data analysis.


4. Explore Resources:

- Utilize books, online resources, documentaries, guest speakers, and local community resources to enhance the learning experience.

- Encourage independent research and exploration to deepen understanding.


Themed learning, or unit studies, offers an exciting and immersive approach to homeschooling that can spark curiosity, ignite passion, and create meaningful connections across multiple subjects. By embracing this approach, you can provide your child with a well-rounded education that engages their interests, enhances critical thinking, and fosters a love for lifelong learning. So, dive into themed learning, let your child's curiosity take flight, and embark on an educational adventure like no other!


 If you want to learn more about my units - you can find them at the links below.  For a limited time - some of my units are deeply discounted on the Homeschool Resources Sale that started 7/27/2023.  Don't miss it!


Girls of American History

Historical Stories of Survival

Homeschool Resources Sale



Empowering Homeschooling Moms: Teaching Children with Dyslexia



I remember when my oldest son was three - he was oh so proud to show me the picture of a banana he had drawn.  He had also written out the complete alphabet - but - not A-Z.  No, no he had written it Z-A and every single letter was also written backwards.  I immediately thought - how incredible that he could do that.  My next instant thought - is what are we going to do?! 


If you have a child with dyslexia, you may be wondering how to best support their unique learning needs. As a mother whose child has dyslexia, I understand the challenges that dyslexia presents.I also know that with the right strategies and a supportive environment, children with dyslexia can thrive academically. In this blog post, I'll provide you with valuable insights into dyslexia, its impact on learning, and practical tactics that homeschooling moms can use to empower their children with dyslexia. 


Understanding Dyslexia:

- Dyslexia is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects the brain's ability to process language, leading to difficulties in reading, writing, and spelling.

- It can often affect math too - as numbers can get mixed up or out of order

- It is essential to recognize that dyslexia does not reflect a lack of intelligence or effort. It is simply a different way of processing information.

- I really want to emphasize that people with dyslexia have AMAZING brains.  They think in ways that people without dyslexia simply cannot.  They are often more creative, logical, engineering minded and have excellent spatial ability.  


Creating an Inclusive Learning Environment:

- Foster a nurturing and supportive atmosphere where your child feels safe to explore and learn at their own pace - While still maintaining progress.

- Celebrate their strengths and encourage their unique talents. Remember that dyslexia often comes with strengths in areas such as creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking.

- Let them have a hand in what they are learning - give options to choose from for science or history.  Maybe use audio books for reading.  While you may have a reading list for them - maybe swap some of those books out for books of their choosing.


Multi-Sensory Approach:

- Engage multiple senses during learning activities to reinforce concepts and improve retention. Incorporate visual, auditory, and kinesthetic elements into your lessons.

- Use manipulatives, educational games, and interactive online resources to enhance the learning experience.

- Hands on learning is often so important for these kids.  Instead of reading about botany - start a garden or dissect a flower.  When learning about a time in history  - visit a living history museum, have them help you make a meal of foods that were popular at the time, etc.  If learning about other countries - maybe they would like to build the Great Wall of China or an Egyptian pyramid.

- Lapbooks are very helpful for this too - it allows writing of specific things to learn - while also having a crafting aspect.


Structured and Sequential Instruction:

- Break down lessons into smaller, manageable steps. Provide clear instructions and support your child in understanding the sequence of tasks.

- Use visual aids, such as flowcharts or graphic organizers, to help your child visualize the structure of the lesson or assignment.

- Use timers - allow brief “intermission” instead of a “break” - A break often implies opportunity for a longer time away from a task - where an “intermission” implies getting back to it.

- Allow rewards for accomplishments.  Maybe your child can only do math for 10 min  - once that 10 min is complete give a reward of something else they enjoy doing - but no more than the amount of time that they were doing actual math.  Make the work equal the reward.


Phonics-Based Instruction:

- Dyslexic learners often benefit from explicit and systematic phonics instruction. Focus on teaching the relationship between sounds and letters, blending, and segmenting words.

- Use multisensory approaches, such as tapping out sounds or incorporating movement, to reinforce phonics skills.

- Often integrating multiple curricula that work well together can be more effective.


Individualized Learning Plans:

- Create personalized learning plans that cater to your child's specific strengths and areas of challenge. This may involve adapting curriculum materials or incorporating specialized interventions.

- Set achievable goals and provide regular feedback and praise to boost your child's confidence and motivation.


Assistive Technology:

- Explore the use of assistive technology tools that can support reading, writing, and organization skills. Examples include text-to-speech software, speech recognition tools, and digital organizers.

- These tools can help level the playing field and provide your child with the necessary support to overcome reading and writing barriers.

- These tools can be great - but I CAUTION you - often kids with dyslexia also have ADD or ADHD - it is very easy for these kids to get so sucked into technology that you and they don’t realize it is a problem until it is a BIG problem.


Reading Strategies:

- Implement reading strategies that focus on decoding, comprehension, and fluency. Break down texts into smaller chunks, use visualization techniques, and encourage repeated reading for increased familiarity.

- Read aloud to your child regularly to model proper fluency and expression. Engage in discussions about the text to deepen comprehension. Also consider reading aloud instead of silent reading.  This can be done as a family, by a parent or taking turns with the children.  We always had a read aloud book that we would take camping with us.  We would also have read aloud time when we had group history that spanned multiple age groups for our kids.  Other families have evening read aloud time as a time to come together.


Positive Reinforcement and Emotional Support:

- Recognize and celebrate your child's achievements, no matter how small. Provide positive reinforcement and encouragement to build their self-esteem.

- Offer emotional support during challenging times. Remind your child that dyslexia is not a reflection of their intelligence or worth.

- Take time for yourself - this is hard!


Remember, homeschooling offers a unique opportunity to provide tailored support and foster a positive learning environment for children with dyslexia. By understanding dyslexia, creating an inclusive atmosphere, implementing a multi-sensory approach, using structured instruction, individualizing learning plans, incorporating assistive technology, utilizing reading strategies, and offering emotional support, you can empower your child and help them unlock their full potential. 


I know this is ALOT.  Seek support, co-ops, even courses or services.

Be sure to check out the Homeschool Resources Sale for homeschool helps and supplemental things that can help with engagement.


Mastering Time Management: Key Strategies for Success


As a teacher who has witnessed the power of effective time management, I am thrilled to share some valuable insights with you today.  I have recently been certified to teach a program called Seeing My Time.  This is a fantastic curriculum to help adults and children alike.  You will probably see some things that hit home for you, as the parent, on the list of things below - be open and consider things that can help you as well as your child. 

Time management plays a crucial role in our lives, both personally and professionally. By developing effective strategies, we can enhance productivity, reduce stress, and make the most of each precious day. So, let's dive into the world of time management and explore common challenges along with practical solutions!


The Importance of Time Management:

- Time is a finite resource, and managing it wisely allows us to accomplish our goals, fulfill responsibilities, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

- Effective time management helps reduce procrastination, increase productivity, and enhance overall efficiency.

- It provides a sense of control and empowers us to make intentional choices, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and successful life.


Common Time Management Issues:

1. Procrastination:

- Putting off tasks can lead to increased stress, missed deadlines, and a feeling of being overwhelmed.

- Distractions, lack of motivation, and fear of failure are common factors contributing to procrastination.

- **Most of the time procrastination simply comes from a place of not really knowing how or where to begin.  It can also be from an assumption of how long a task will take - when in actuality it likely will not take as long as one thinks.


2. Overcommitment:

- Overloading our schedules with excessive commitments can result in a constant feeling of being rushed and an inability to prioritize effectively.

- Taking on too much can compromise the quality of our work and impact our overall well-being.

- It is ok to say No.


3. Poor Planning:

- Insufficient planning can lead to disorganization, wasted time, and an inability to allocate resources effectively.

- Without a clear roadmap, we may find ourselves scrambling to complete tasks or facing unnecessary delays.

- A plan can always change - but it is important to have a plan as a starting place.

- Time yourself doing tasks you don't like and ones you enjoy.  You will find that, for the most part, filing papers takes less time than you thought - while watching your favorite show takes more time than you anticipated - for example.


Common Fixes for Time Management Challenges:

1. Set Clear Goals:

- Define your short-term and long-term goals, both personally and professionally.

- Break down larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks to create a sense of progress and achievement.

- Practice planning backwards - Starting with the end goal and work back noting and setting deadlines for each step in the process - this works for writing papers and for planning birthday parties - both have a deadline and both have several smaller steps to accomplish before the end.


2. Prioritize Tasks:

- Determine the importance and urgency of each task and prioritize accordingly.

- Focus on high-priority items and tackle them first to ensure key responsibilities are fulfilled.


3. Create a Schedule:

- Utilize tools such as calendars, planners, or digital apps to schedule your day, week, or month.

- Set specific time blocks for different activities and allocate dedicated time for important tasks.


4. Minimize Distractions:

- Identify common distractions, such as social media, excessive noise, or interruptions, and take steps to minimize their impact.

- Consider using productivity techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, where you work in focused bursts with short breaks in between.


5. Practice Self-Care:

- Recognize the importance of self-care and its impact on overall productivity and well-being.

- Incorporate breaks, exercise, and leisure activities into your schedule to recharge and maintain a healthy work-life balance.


Mastering time management is a journey that requires patience, commitment, and self-reflection. By implementing these practical strategies and staying consistent, you will find yourself better equipped to navigate the challenges and demands of daily life. Remember, time is a precious resource, and how we manage it can make all the difference. Embrace the power of effective time management and unlock your true potential!



Should Your Child Have a Separate School Room?


As you begin your homeschooling journey, you may be contemplating the ideal learning environment for your children. One question that often arises is whether your child should have a separate schoolroom. In this blog post, I want to explore the pros and cons and help you make an informed decision that best suits your family's unique needs. Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to homeschooling, and finding what works for you is key. So, let's dive in and discover whether a separate school room is the right choice for your homeschooling adventure!


The Benefits of a Separate School Room:


1. Dedicated Learning Space:

Having a separate school room can create a designated space solely focused on learning. It provides a clear distinction between school and home, helping your child transition into a productive mindset when entering the designated learning area.


2. Minimizing Distractions:

A separate school room can help minimize distractions from household activities or siblings' playtime. With fewer interruptions, your child can maintain better focus and concentration, enhancing their learning experience.


3. Organization and Order:

Having a dedicated school room allows for better organization of materials, books, and supplies. You can set up shelves, cubbies, and storage systems specifically designed for educational resources, making it easier to locate and access materials when needed.


4. Personalized Learning Environment:

With a separate school room, you have the freedom to personalize the space according to your child's interests and learning style. You can create an inspiring atmosphere by displaying educational posters, artwork, or charts that align with their curriculum and passions.


Considerations for a Separate School Room:


1. Space Constraints:

Not all homes have the luxury of extra space for a separate schoolroom. If your living quarters are limited, it may be challenging to designate a dedicated room solely for homeschooling. However, remember that a separate room is not the only way to create a conducive learning environment.


2. Flexibility and Portability:

Homeschooling offers the flexibility to adapt and learn anywhere. Whether it's the dining table, a cozy corner, or even outdoor spaces, learning can take place in various areas of your home. Embrace the freedom to move around and explore different learning environments that suit your child's needs.


3. Multi-Age Interactions:

Homeschooling often involves children of different ages learning together. Having a shared space where siblings can engage and collaborate can foster a sense of community and promote cooperative learning experiences.


4. Learning Integration:

Homeschooling provides a unique opportunity to integrate learning into everyday life. By incorporating learning into different areas of your home, such as the kitchen, garden, or living room, you create a holistic learning experience that extends beyond a separate school room.


Finding Balance: The Hybrid Approach:

If having a separate schoolroom is not feasible or doesn't align with your homeschooling philosophy, consider a hybrid approach. You can create a designated learning area within a shared space. For example, a corner of the living room or a section of the child's bedroom can be transformed into a mini-school environment with a desk, supplies, and a visual separation from other activities.


When it comes to whether your child should have a separate school room, there is no right or wrong answer. The decision should be based on your family's unique circumstances and educational philosophy. Remember, the ultimate goal is to create a warm, encouraging, and engaging learning environment that fosters your child's growth and curiosity.


Whether you choose a separate school room, a shared space, or a hybrid approach, the key is to prioritize your child's learning needs, embrace flexibility, and create an environment that nurtures their love for learning.


You've embarked on an incredible journey as a homeschooling mom, and your dedication and enthusiasm will make a significant impact on your child's education. Embrace the adventure, and trust your instincts as you create a homeschooling environment that best suits your family.

Looking for more ideas for your homeschooling journey?  Check out the Homeschool Resources Bundle Sale - Limited time only 

Embracing Co-ops and Extracurriculars: Enriching Homeschooling Journeys



I want to share my experience and the incredible benefits my children have gained through participation in co-ops and extracurricular activities. These opportunities have enhanced their homeschooling journey, providing social connections, diverse learning experiences, and a sense of belonging. In this blog post, let's explore the joy of being involved in co-ops and discovering exciting extracurricular activities that cater to different age groups. Together, let's encourage and inspire one another on this rewarding homeschooling path.


Preschool and Elementary Age:

- Engaging in cooperative learning: Co-ops offer a supportive environment where children collaborate on projects, participate in group discussions, and learn from one another.

- Experiencing shared play and socialization: Co-op playdates and field trips provide invaluable opportunities for young children to develop social skills, practice cooperation, and make lasting friendships.

- Exploring art, music, and movement: Enroll your child in art classes, music lessons, or dance programs tailored to their age group. These activities foster creativity, self-expression, and motor skills development.


Middle School Age:

- Expanding learning through specialized co-ops: Joining subject-specific co-ops, such as STEM-focused or literary groups, can deepen your child's knowledge and passion in specific areas.

- Participating in team sports or clubs: Encourage your child to explore team sports like soccer or basketball, or join clubs such as debate, drama, or robotics. These activities promote teamwork, leadership, and personal growth.

- Nurturing hobbies and interests: Support your child's individual pursuits by enrolling them in classes or workshops related to their interests, be it photography, cooking, or coding.


High School Age:

- Dual enrollment and college preparation: Consider opportunities for your teenager to enroll in a community college or online courses to earn college credits while still in high school.

- Leadership roles and community engagement: Encourage your child to take on leadership positions in co-ops, volunteer in local organizations, or participate in youth councils. These experiences foster responsibility, organizational skills, and a sense of civic duty.

- Pursuing internships and mentorships: Help your teenager explore internships or mentorship programs in fields of interest. These experiences provide valuable real-world exposure and guidance.


Participating in co-ops and extracurricular activities has been an enriching aspect of our homeschooling journey. It has allowed my children to connect with like-minded peers, discover new passions, and develop essential life skills. Embrace the opportunities available within your community, be it through co-ops, clubs, or specialized classes. Encourage your children to explore their interests, nurture friendships, and cultivate a love for lifelong learning.


Remember, as homeschooling moms, we have the power to create an environment where our children can thrive academically, socially, and personally. Let's continue to support and inspire one another on this incredible homeschooling adventure.

You can find several great and affordable options for classes for a co-op setting at the Homeschool Resources Bundle Sale


Empowering Your Child in Homeschooling: The Power of Choice


One of the beautiful aspects of homeschooling is the opportunity to tailor your child's education to their unique needs, interests, and passions. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of involving your child in the selection of classes and curriculum, how their passions can be integrated into their education, and the powerful impact it can have on their learning journey. Let's embark on a path of empowerment, where our children become active participants in shaping their education.  Visit the Homeschool Resources Bundle Sale for unique learning options.  

Why Involve Your Child in Selecting Classes and Curriculum:

- Encourages ownership and motivation: When children have a say in their education, they feel a sense of ownership and are more motivated to learn. They become active participants rather than passive recipients.

- Cultivates a love for learning: By incorporating their interests, hobbies, and passions into their studies, children develop a genuine love for learning. This enthusiasm fuels their curiosity and fosters a lifelong love of exploration.

- Builds self-awareness and confidence: When children are given the freedom to choose, they learn to identify their strengths, weaknesses, and areas of interest. This self-awareness boosts their confidence and helps them develop a sense of identity.


Ways to Involve Your Child in Selecting Classes and Curriculum:


1. Engage in meaningful conversations:

   - Ask open-ended questions about their interests, aspirations, and what they enjoy learning about.

   - Encourage them to share their thoughts, preferences, and ideas regarding their education.


2. Explore their passions and hobbies:

   - Identify their interests and find ways to integrate them into their studies. For example, if they love animals, incorporate zoology into science lessons or encourage them to read books about animal behavior.

   - Seek out relevant extracurricular activities, online courses, or local workshops that align with their passions.


3. Research together:

   - Browse through curriculum options, educational websites, and resources with your child. Discuss their opinions, pros, and cons of different approaches.

   - Provide guidance and support while ensuring that the final decision reflects their interests and learning style.


4. Flexibility within boundaries:

   - Establish core subjects that need to be covered while allowing flexibility in elective or specialized areas.

   - Encourage them to take responsibility for their learning by setting goals, creating schedules, and managing their time effectively.


5. Embrace their individuality:

   - Recognize and celebrate your child's unique strengths, talents, and learning preferences.

   - Allow them to explore alternative methods of demonstrating knowledge, such as presentations, projects, or creative assignments.


By involving our children in the selection of classes and curriculum, we empower them to take ownership of their education and foster a love for learning. Let's honor their passions, interests, and individuality, incorporating them into their studies. Through meaningful conversations, exploration of hobbies, and shared decision-making, we can create an educational journey that sparks their curiosity, ignites their passion, and lays the foundation for a fulfilling and empowered future.


Remember, as homeschooling parents, you have the power to shape a personalized and impactful education for your child. Embrace their uniqueness and empower them to drive their own learning. Together, let's inspire and empower our children on their educational journey.

Unleashing the Hidden Capabilities of Your Children: Empowering Little Helpers at Home


As homeschooling parents, it's important to recognize that our children are more capable than we often give them credit for. By teaching them age-appropriate life skills and involving them in household chores, we not only foster their independence but also instill a sense of responsibility and accomplishment. In this blog post, we will explore how you can tap into the hidden capabilities of your children at different age groups, encouraging them to become valuable contributors to your household.


1. Toddlers (Ages 2-3):

Even toddlers can begin to learn basic tasks that promote their independence. Teach them to fold washcloths, match socks, and put away their toys. Engage them in simple household chores like wiping spills, sweeping with a child-sized broom, and taking their plastic dishes to the dishwasher. Additionally, make sorting laundry a fun activity where you involve them in identifying and separating colors, helping them learn through play.


2. Preschoolers (Ages 4-5):

Preschoolers are eager to explore and help in meaningful ways. Encourage them to make their beds, set the table, and water plants. Teach them to sort and fold laundry, sort recycling items, and assist with basic food preparation tasks, such as washing fruits and vegetables. Engage them in simple cleaning tasks like dusting low surfaces or using a dustpan and brush to clean up small messes.


3. Elementary School (Ages 6-10):

Elementary school-age children can take on more responsibilities. They can be responsible for keeping their rooms tidy, making their own school lunch, and packing their backpacks. Encourage them to help with meal planning, grocery shopping, and cooking simple recipes under supervision. Teach them to handle age-appropriate cleaning tasks such as vacuuming, sweeping, and wiping down surfaces.


4. Tweens and Teens (Ages 11+):

As your children enter their tween and teen years, their capabilities expand further. They can take on more complex chores like doing laundry, loading and unloading the dishwasher, and cleaning bathrooms. Involve them in budgeting and financial management, encouraging them to understand the value of money and saving. Foster their cooking skills by allowing them to plan and prepare meals with less supervision.


By recognizing and nurturing the capabilities of your children, you empower them to become competent and responsible individuals. Teaching life skills and involving them in household chores not only lightens your load but also instills a sense of pride and self-reliance in your children. Embrace the opportunity to foster their independence at every age, allowing them to contribute meaningfully to the functioning of your household. Remember, your children are more capable than you think, and by encouraging their growth, you set them on a path towards lifelong competence and confidence.  

Check out the Homeschool Resources Bundle Sale for chore charts, early learning, teen courses and more.  




Thriving with a Large Family: Tips for Managing Household Responsibilities


As a mother who has successfully raised a brood of wonderful children, I understand the unique challenges and joys that come with managing a bustling household. Today, I want to share some practical tips and tricks that can help you navigate the daily tasks and responsibilities with ease. By implementing a few simple strategies, you can create a harmonious and well-functioning home for your growing family. So, let's dive in!


1. Establish Laundry Days:

- Assign each family member a specific day of the week to do their laundry. This ensures that everyone has clean clothes and helps to distribute the workload evenly.

- Stick to the schedule and encourage independence. Teach your children how to sort, wash, and fold their own laundry as they grow older. This promotes a sense of responsibility and self-sufficiency.


2. Rotate Cooking Duties:

- Allocate a day of the week for each family member to take charge of preparing dinner. For younger children, provide supervision and assistance as needed.

- This rotation system not only lightens the cooking load for you but also fosters a sense of ownership and culinary skills in your children. It's a win-win!


3. Embrace Round Robin House Chores:

- Create a rotating chore chart that assigns different household tasks to each family member on a weekly or monthly basis.

- By involving everyone in the household responsibilities, you are teaching valuable life skills and ensuring that no one person becomes overwhelmed with the workload.

- Rotate tasks such as vacuuming, dusting, dishwashing, bathroom cleaning, and organizing. This way, everyone gets the chance to learn and contribute to maintaining a tidy home.


4. Establish Clear Communication:

- Regularly hold family meetings to discuss schedules, responsibilities, and any necessary adjustments.

- Encourage open communication, allowing your children to voice their thoughts and concerns. This helps in building a sense of teamwork and ensures that everyone feels heard and valued.


5. Foster a Positive Work Ethic:

- Teach your children the importance of hard work and perseverance. Emphasize the satisfaction and sense of accomplishment that comes from contributing to the family and maintaining a well-functioning home.

- Praise their efforts and celebrate their achievements, no matter how small. Positive reinforcement goes a long way in encouraging a positive work ethic.


6. Prioritize Quality Time:

- Amidst the busyness of managing a large family, remember to carve out quality time for each child individually and as a family.

- Schedule regular family outings, game nights, or movie nights to create lasting memories and strengthen family bonds.


As a mom of a large family, your role is significant, and the love and care you put into managing your household will shape the experiences and memories of your children. By implementing these tips and tricks, you can create a well-organized, nurturing, and harmonious home environment. Remember to be patient with yourself and your children, and always celebrate the joys that come with a full and bustling family life.


You've got this, super moms! Embrace the journey and savor every moment with your incredible family.

Check out the Homeschool Resources Bundle Sale for some helpful home management tools.



Empowering Your ADHD Child's Educational Journey


As a mom with a child that has ADHD, I understand the unique challenges you may encounter as you embark on the homeschooling journey with your child. Today, I want to address a common struggle often associated with ADHD: procrastination. By understanding the connection between ADHD and procrastination and implementing effective strategies, we can create an inspiring and warm learning environment for our children. Let's explore practical tips to empower their educational journey together.

Cultivate a Positive Mindset:

  • Embrace your child's strengths and abilities, recognizing that ADHD brings creativity, energy, and a unique perspective to their learning experience.

  • Foster a positive environment by emphasizing their progress, effort, and individual growth. Celebrate achievements, no matter how small, to boost their self-esteem and motivation.

Break Tasks Down into Manageable Steps:

  • Help your child tackle overwhelming tasks by breaking them into smaller, achievable steps. This approach prevents procrastination and builds momentum.

  • Create a visual checklist or utilize a task management tool to provide a clear roadmap and allow your child to track their progress.

Establish Structured Routines:

  • Implement a consistent daily routine with designated time slots for academic activities, breaks, and leisure. Structure provides predictability and helps children with ADHD stay focused and engaged.

  • Encourage your child's involvement in creating their schedule, giving them a sense of ownership and accountability.

Use Visual Cues and Timers:

  • Incorporate visual cues, such as colorful reminders or visual schedules, to help your child stay on track and understand expectations.

  • Utilize timers or alarms to provide clear boundaries and manage time effectively. This helps prevent time-wasting and promotes task completion.

Break Projects into Smaller Milestones:

  • Teach your child the importance of setting goals and breaking larger projects into smaller, more manageable milestones.

  • Encourage them to prioritize tasks and tackle them one step at a time, celebrating achievements along the way.

Implement Short, Focused Study Sessions:

  • ADHD children often benefit from shorter, focused study sessions to maintain their attention and prevent mental fatigue.

  • Divide study time into manageable chunks, incorporating regular breaks for movement or relaxation. This allows your child to recharge and refocus.

Encourage Active Learning:

  • Incorporate hands-on activities, interactive lessons, and engaging educational resources to keep your child actively involved in the learning process.

  • Encourage movement breaks and physical activities to release excess energy, helping your child maintain focus during study sessions.

Practice Self-Reflection and Goal Setting:

  • Encourage your child to reflect on their learning habits and identify areas where they may be prone to procrastination.

  • Together, set realistic goals and create action plans to overcome procrastination tendencies. Regularly review progress and adjust strategies as needed.

Foster a Supportive Environment:

  • Create an environment that encourages open communication and a sense of belonging. Let your child know that you are there to support them through challenges.

  • Offer encouragement, understanding, and reassurance. Celebrate their efforts, resilience, and progress, reinforcing their confidence and self-worth.

Seek Professional Support:

  • Consult with ADHD specialists, therapists, or educational professionals who can provide personalized guidance and support for your child's specific needs.

  • Connect with support groups or online communities for homeschooling parents of children with ADHD. Sharing experiences and insights can provide valuable encouragement and practical advice.

In Conclusion, By understanding the connection between ADHD and procrastination and implementing these practical strategies, you can create a warm and inspiring learning environment for your child. Embrace their uniqueness, break tasks down, establish structured routines, and celebrate their progress.